French OldSchool MTG Community

BudgetDeck : Back in Black 1 comment

I started Old-School at the end of 2016, early 2017 and as everyone who starts playing ’93/94, I was wondering : what deck am I going to play ?

There is 2 types of people : the first one owns a large collection of cards, the second one starts fresh.

For the first type, the answer is quite simple : you just browse a few blogs and find a deck that fits your mood < repeat every week >.

As for the second group, like myself, it’s a little bit more difficult, knowing that this year has been agitated with price spikes….


GPasDeThune : Back in Black 4 comments

J’ai commencé à me mettre au OldSchool à la fin de l’année 2016, début 2017 vraiment, et bah je me suis posé une sacrée question ! Je joue quoi ?

J’ai pas de p9, pas de biland, une yawgmoth’s will, une ile unglued et une academy tolarian KR, autant dire rien.

Donc je pars de RIEN, voir MOINS que rien, alors qu’à côté ya des chanceux qui ont gardé leur collection pendant des années dormir chez mamie….

Pour ceux la, c’est pas compliqué de trouver un Deck, enfin si, ya trop de choix.


First Interview : Guillaume Denoix no comments

As we previously said on Facebook and in the First post, we’ll try to post some interview, with basics questions, because Old-School is about casual competition, drinking beers & meeting with friends.

The first « beta-tester » of this interview process is Guillaume Denoix, most of you already know him, met him or talk to on Facebook but you probably don’t know more, this is where the interview plays its role 🙂


Première Interview : Guillaume Denoix no comments

Comme nous l’avons précisé sur Facebook et dans le premier post, nous essayerons de poster quelques interviews, avec des questions standards, car le Old-School est aussi la pour lier connaissance, en plus de boire des verres lors de tournois casual 🙂

Le premier sujet de cette suite d’interviews est Guillaume Denoix, la plupart d’entre vous le connaisse déjà, soit parce que vous l’avez rencontré ou discuté avec lui sur Facebook mais vous ne le connaissez pas plus que cela, c’est pourquoi l’interview est la !


Happy New Wizard’s Year no comments

The Boars wish you and your close ones the best for 2018!

As you should know, this year will be the Wizard Tournament’s one in Goteborg at the end of march.

We’ll be back to basics, where the fun began…!

For those  that don’t know, the tournament will  be Alpha only games with original deck construction (40+ cards, no 4-of / 1-of restrictions) and gameplay rules.

The brewing started and we’ve seen alot of pictures on Facebook so I guess I should share my brews too, until further testing I’d be happy to hear your thoughts about these.


Bonne année (des Wizards) 2018 no comments

Les Boars vous souhaitent une bonne & excellente année 2018 à vous et vos proches !

Comme vous le savez, cette année se tiendra le Wizard Tournament #1 à Göteborg à la fin du mois de mars.

L’occasion de revenir aux bases, là où tout à commencer…

Pour ceux qui ne le savent pas encore, ce tournoi sera joué uniquement avec des Decks en version « Alpha », avec les règles de construction (40 cartes minimum, pas de limites de 4, pas de restriction) et de jeu de l’époque.

Les réflexions ont déjà commencé et on trouve sur Facebook quelques propositions de decks, donc j’en profite également pour vous présenter mes idées afin de recueillir quelques retours avant ma période de tests.


Eureka Banner

Brewing with Eureka 1 comment

Today I’ll be talking about Eureka and the way I built mine and my thoughts after about 20 games.

Initial list :

It has 12 « Eureka targets » that I should be able to play by themselves (minus lords of the pit)

It has 4 birds and 2 elves to ramp, alongside the 7 SoLoMoxen.

It has 15 green providing lands and the mox to make « sure » I can, on schedule :

  • play a mana dork
  • play Sylvan Library
  • play Eureka

It has Mana Drain and Mana Short to force Eureka through permission.

Results of the first test session (about 20 games vs Artifact Control and MonoBlack splash blue) :

  • Mana Short, Mana Drain and Braingeyser felt useless / uncastable
  • Eureka should be a 3-of as it’s easy to hardcast targets and having 2 Eurekas in hand is so bad
  • Lord of the Pit, Nicol Bolas and Animate Dead are too cute and not too efficient
  • Underworld dreams, The Abyss and Icy Manipulators are problems.

The deck lacks interaction for my liking therefore the tweaking is discontinued for the moment and the post is going live.

Feel free to comment with your own experiences.

Report : French Championship 2017 2 comments

November saw the BitCoin exceed $10,000 but more importantly, the First Official French Old-School Championship (Well, actually it looks like there was already one last year but that doesn’t count).

Guillaume successfully organized this event which has attracted French from all over the country on Saturday November the 12th.

Everybody was ready at 11 AM, the tournament tooks place at a local shop were we go regularly : The Waaagh Taverne . Their  big plus : they also serve beers and delicious snacks.



Merry Christmas 1 comment

To celebrate the blog’s launch I wanted to share with you my trades since last month (including the playmat from Mark / Dan on Facebook)


From Spain (Vedast) on Facebook /

From Switzerland on MKM /

From Spain (willybizarre) at GP Lyon 






























Fishliver Oil Cup 1 Report no comments

On October the 27th, Seven french took the weekend off to go on an adventure, playing some Old-School in Italy.

Some photos were taken from the official Facebook page, feel free to PM for removing them.

This not so far land is well known for having beautiful -but noisy- women, great food, huge history but more important : major Old-School tournaments.

And this time we went for the FishLiver Oil cup #1 (I think there was already one last year, but apparently that doesn’t count). This tournament organize 2 days of tournaments :

  • Friday : Old-School – Eternal Central Rules
  • Saturday : Old-School – Ravenna Rules
