French OldSchool MTG Community
Monthly archives: décembre 2017
Eureka Banner

Brewing with Eureka 1 comment

Today I’ll be talking about Eureka and the way I built mine and my thoughts after about 20 games.

Initial list :

It has 12 « Eureka targets » that I should be able to play by themselves (minus lords of the pit)

It has 4 birds and 2 elves to ramp, alongside the 7 SoLoMoxen.

It has 15 green providing lands and the mox to make « sure » I can, on schedule :

  • play a mana dork
  • play Sylvan Library
  • play Eureka

It has Mana Drain and Mana Short to force Eureka through permission.

Results of the first test session (about 20 games vs Artifact Control and MonoBlack splash blue) :

  • Mana Short, Mana Drain and Braingeyser felt useless / uncastable
  • Eureka should be a 3-of as it’s easy to hardcast targets and having 2 Eurekas in hand is so bad
  • Lord of the Pit, Nicol Bolas and Animate Dead are too cute and not too efficient
  • Underworld dreams, The Abyss and Icy Manipulators are problems.

The deck lacks interaction for my liking therefore the tweaking is discontinued for the moment and the post is going live.

Feel free to comment with your own experiences.

Report : French Championship 2017 2 comments

November saw the BitCoin exceed $10,000 but more importantly, the First Official French Old-School Championship (Well, actually it looks like there was already one last year but that doesn’t count).

Guillaume successfully organized this event which has attracted French from all over the country on Saturday November the 12th.

Everybody was ready at 11 AM, the tournament tooks place at a local shop were we go regularly : The Waaagh Taverne . Their  big plus : they also serve beers and delicious snacks.



Merry Christmas 1 comment

To celebrate the blog’s launch I wanted to share with you my trades since last month (including the playmat from Mark / Dan on Facebook)


From Spain (Vedast) on Facebook /

From Switzerland on MKM /

From Spain (willybizarre) at GP Lyon 






























Fishliver Oil Cup 1 Report no comments

On October the 27th, Seven french took the weekend off to go on an adventure, playing some Old-School in Italy.

Some photos were taken from the official Facebook page, feel free to PM for removing them.

This not so far land is well known for having beautiful -but noisy- women, great food, huge history but more important : major Old-School tournaments.

And this time we went for the FishLiver Oil cup #1 (I think there was already one last year, but apparently that doesn’t count). This tournament organize 2 days of tournaments :

  • Friday : Old-School – Eternal Central Rules
  • Saturday : Old-School – Ravenna Rules


Breakfast at tiffany’s 1 comment

More like « Pizza at Fred’s » but anyway, here goes the report for our last gathering at my apartment aka « rabbit cage » !

So on this beautiful cold Saturday, december the 12th, we were 5 gathering at my Castle, plus one on skype.


Mathieu Derothe-renaud : Green – Red aggro (2 wins – 3 loss)

Rodolphe Ambroise : CandleFlare (4 wins – 1 loss)

Arnaud Avenel : mono-black Parfait (3 losses – 1 wins – 1 bye)

Philippe Royer : The Deck ( 2 wins – 2 losses)

Vincent Ruault (@Skype) : I-CAN-PLAY-WITH-MY-GRAVEYARD (2 losses)

Frederique Lafoux : MonoBlack – splash blue (3 wins – 1 loss – 1 bye)


First Post (the real one, not the wordpress generated) 1 comment

Finally ! it’s done.

After few weeks of brainstorming and talking, I was determined (along with some friends) to start a blog about Magic The Gathering – Old-School – French Community.

Because I think we’re rather active, but we don’t talk about it much on social media and we thought it’d be great to spread the word that, yes, we love cheese & wine, and complain about everything BUT we also like to play Old-School 🙂

I’ve only be active in this Parisian-Community for about a year, but others were playing it before, some at the very beginning. We all love testing new decks, some better than others, some weirder  ( hi Vincent ! ), hoping this blog will reflet our inventions from our greatest mind…

So there was this blog and…. Rodolphe Ambroise also got the idea we needed like a « mascot card » (because we’re also sheep, not only french) so… Continues..

Premier Post ! no comments

Purée ! enfin ! c’est fait !

Aprés plusieurs semaines de réflexions et de parlementage (on est français quoi.), j’étais motivé (avec d’autres) pour monter un blog autour de format  Magic The Gathering – Old-School  mais pour la communauté Française.

Je pense qu’on est pas mal actifs, même si un peu restreint en nombre, mais que malheureusement on en parle pas trop dans l’Internet Multimédia 2.0, et que ca serait pas mal de refléter un peu notre activité, afin d’attirer plus de joueurs, et de faire connaissance avec des joueurs étrangers.

Personnellement, je suis actif seulement depuis 1 an sur Paris, mais les autres joueurs ont commencé bien avant, certain même dès le début. On apprécie tous se retrouver pour tester des nouveaux decks, parfois sans succés, j’espère que ce blog reflétera nos inventions et autres bizarreries..


Bon…il faut qu’on parle d’autre chose…. il y a ce blog et puis… Rodolphe Ambroise s’est également dit qu’on devrait avoir…. suspens…. UNE MASCOTTE !

Non… pas un type dans une fourrure qui animerai nos soirées, ni même une personne de type féminin vêtue de manière aguichante (l’idée est à garder cependant) mais d’une « carte mascotte » que l’on signerait à chaque event, comme ca se fait un peu partout….donc… Continues..