French OldSchool MTG Community
Showing posts by: flafoux

Fishliver Oil Cup 1 Report no comments

On October the 27th, Seven french took the weekend off to go on an adventure, playing some Old-School in Italy.

Some photos were taken from the official Facebook page, feel free to PM for removing them.

This not so far land is well known for having beautiful -but noisy- women, great food, huge history but more important : major Old-School tournaments.

And this time we went for the FishLiver Oil cup #1 (I think there was already one last year, but apparently that doesn’t count). This tournament organize 2 days of tournaments :

  • Friday : Old-School – Eternal Central Rules
  • Saturday : Old-School – Ravenna Rules


Breakfast at tiffany’s 1 comment

More like “Pizza at Fred’s” but anyway, here goes the report for our last gathering at my apartment aka “rabbit cage” !

So on this beautiful cold Saturday, december the 12th, we were 5 gathering at my Castle, plus one on skype.


Mathieu Derothe-renaud : Green – Red aggro (2 wins – 3 loss)

Rodolphe Ambroise : CandleFlare (4 wins – 1 loss)

Arnaud Avenel : mono-black Parfait (3 losses – 1 wins – 1 bye)

Philippe Royer : The Deck ( 2 wins – 2 losses)

Vincent Ruault (@Skype) : I-CAN-PLAY-WITH-MY-GRAVEYARD (2 losses)

Frederique Lafoux : MonoBlack – splash blue (3 wins – 1 loss – 1 bye)


First Post (the real one, not the wordpress generated) 1 comment

Finally ! it’s done.

After few weeks of brainstorming and talking, I was determined (along with some friends) to start a blog about Magic The Gathering – Old-School – French Community.

Because I think we’re rather active, but we don’t talk about it much on social media and we thought it’d be great to spread the word that, yes, we love cheese & wine, and complain about everything BUT we also like to play Old-School 🙂

I’ve only be active in this Parisian-Community for about a year, but others were playing it before, some at the very beginning. We all love testing new decks, some better than others, some weirder  ( hi Vincent ! ), hoping this blog will reflet our inventions from our greatest mind…

So there was this blog and…. Rodolphe Ambroise also got the idea we needed like a “mascot card” (because we’re also sheep, not only french) so… Continues..